Thursday, August 23, 2012

Well, another beam done :-).  Short girt this time, one more of them then 4 sills next.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Well.... found out what the problem was with the girt not fitting.  I didn't (don't) understand housings very well.  So, I had to remodel the entire top half of the timber frame shed and take off half an inch. This is a pretty big DIY project after all....

Good case of 'the more I learn the less I know'.  Must need to learn some more, wait, that makes it worse.  Also turns out that some some of the joints that TF Rubies were suppose to be automatically cutting weren't.  Modeled incorrectly, of course ;-).  I now have a much better understanding of how they work and how to set up the joint.

Ever have one of those times when you're looking for the answer, and it's just not coming?  Not in the help file, not in the faq, even Google can't find it.  Oh, that button front and center on the main tool bar exercises the function.  And the icon is oh so obvious.  Won't quickly forget that lesson.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Well, step forward on the shed, finished post #4.  I was pretty excited.  The next timber to cut joint in is the top beam.  Had to mill off 3/4 of an inch, good to get the saw going after several months.  Brought it in the shop then got quite a surprise when I went to mark up the shop drawings.  One of my knee brace joints isn't working :-(.  I'll have to figure out how to take care of it....

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wow, been a while.  Finally got a new lens published.  Do it Yourself Timber Frame.  I would like to see if this one will make it up the list a bit in the search engines.  It's pretty unique content so perhaps....