Friday, May 4, 2018

Vacation Week...

This morning we awoke to a flat rear tire.  Filled it up and found there was a pinhole leak right in the middle of the tread - sharp rock?   Well, have to fix this!  Called Valley cycle, they have a tire but can't balance the mono-swing arm BMW wheel.  They recommended Duc Pond.  Called Duc Pond and: tire in-stock and they can handle the balance as well so Ducati here we come.

Decision time.  Load the bike and haul it?  Plug the tire and ride?  If we ride follow with the Truck to make sure?  I decided to try and put a plug in and ride it to the shop, no chase vehicle.  Turned out to be the wrong choice :-(.  Made it about half way and the plug started leaking.  Oh, well.

In the Weeds: Flat Rear Tire

Thought the 'in the weeds' picture represents the situation well.  We pulled over into a driveway along Rt 50 and this is what it looked like.  Gotta love technology though. Called for an Uber ride to run back and get the truck so we can haul the bide to the shop.  How nice is that.  At the end of the day it's just a little extra time.  Made me think about how little 'inconvenience' we experience these days.  Overall things generally go the way we plan, amazing really.  Think of all the complex interactions that have to go just right all around us.  We come to expect and rely on it being this way.  Probably good to be reminded we are not actually in as much control as we might imagine.  While waiting couldn't help but take some pictures of the flowers. Spring is really so lovely.

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

The folks at the Ducati shop were friendly and helpful, put a new tire on while we went and grabbed a bite to eat.  When we got done we still had a little daylight remaining so decided to drop the truck and ride a couple of hours.  Stopped by Packs Dairy for a cone then off we went.  On the way back we stumbled on one of those American traditions; a road side attraction.  Unger WVs only Amusement Park.  Certainly amusing!  Isn't it fun that there are those among us who look at life just a little differently than we do?  Can we accept that, and them?  Embrace and support folks who have such a different perspective.  I ask those questions thinking about the 'reaction' this might bring from some well meaning good for nothing home owners association trying to drive compliance to 'norms'; for everyone's good of course.  How dull.  Food for thought.  Check out the map and pictures below, it’s one of a kind and I am so glad to have been able to experience a look into the creativity on display…

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